We stay at beachfront hotels that are chosen for their comfort and good service. We always anticipate double rooms, but there are times when the hotels are full and you will then be divided between groups of three people.
Here is a list of hotels here we will be staying:
Cumbuco – Windtown/ Taiba – Vila Marola/ Guajirú – Vila Vagalume/ Icaraízinho – Villa Mango/ Arpoeiras – pousada Canoas/ Preá & Jeri Rancho do Peixe & Vila Kalango/ Camocim – Bangalô São José/ Barra Grande – BGK/ Coqueiros – Vila Itaqui/ Ilha dos Poldros – Delta/ Tutóia – Jagatá/ Atins – Oceano Atins.
Please feel free to look them up and have an idea of where we will be staying. If there is availability, you can enjoy the hotels before or after our trip. For those enrolled in the Surfinsemfim, we can offer extra days with a 10 % discount for stays at the charming hotels of Rancho do Peixe and Vila Kalango.