SSF Coaching in Hawaii with Guilly Brandão

Here is some footage from a coaching in Hawaii with our pro rider Guilly Brandão. They were able to explore these beautiful islands and progress in their skills level as kitesurfers. An amazing experience for everyone! Check out our site to sign up for your next Coaching clinic with SSF!

By |2024-01-29T10:13:14-03:0029 de January de 2024|

SSF Coaching: Pacasmayo, Peru with Guilly Brandão

Former world champion Guilly Brandão leads a group in a SSF Coaching along the coast of Pacasmayo, Peru. Here they were able to learn, grow, and evolve in their kiting abilities while playing on one of the longest lefts in the world! Come experience this excitement for yourself!

By |2024-01-29T10:08:45-03:0029 de January de 2024|
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